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The Tale of HIPSHUT


The Beginning

How it all started..

We love to travel. Who doesn’t? We spend most of our time planning for our vacation - before any trip or even after.

The Planning

Google this,Google that

The usual ritual would be to dive into that big ocean of travel websites - Agoda, Airbnb, Lonely Planet, Trip Advisor. Then, compiled everything into a list of - THE BEST DESIGN HOTELS. We took into account price, location, and facilities til’ we found a suitable place that satisfied each and every one of our HIP hearts! Then off we went.

The Birth

Or shall we say the new beginning..?

Once back, while browsing our holiday photos to cure our post-holiday blues, we found the list of boutique/designer hotels we had compiled from our previous holiday trips. Then, we decided to share our list with the world by putting it online for other like-minded hip travelers like us! And as simple as that is how..

HIPSHUT was born

We currently have Malaysia covered. As time goes, we will definitely venture into more…

The Proud Founders

Two individuals with a passion for traveling — traveling makes us happy! Traveling is our way to enjoy now and take a break from our daily routine. Traveling is the time we most of the time create memorable moments that then often would become unforgettable stories.

How can we forget that we walked for an hour in Rome to find for the recommended by Trip Advisor’s restaurant just to find that the restaurant has closed for the last order? Or maybe like the one where we asked a complete stranger at Florence for her earring (to replace the SIM card pin) using hand-sign cause she can’t speak English. Lol

Our trips have varieties of stories. And we would compile those in HIPSHUT for other travelers to use as a source of inspiration or even tips to avoid making the same travel mistakes as we did.

With HIPSHUT, we aim to be one of the websites that travelers would ALWAYS go to, to plan for their stay at any hip-design hotels. Fingers crossed! Anyway, thanks for dropping by.



Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once


Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world

Hip Spots

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